The Power Spirit Festival is more than an event - it's a journey.



Together we create a space where we dive into the worlds of tantra, yoga, shamanism and art through workshops, lectures and performances. Besides the daily Kaula Tantra Yoga, the training´s focus of Durga's Tiger School, you can try out and practice for example Hatha Yoga and Acro Yoga. Singing circles as well as music and dance, tantra, theatre and expression workshops, a cocoa ceremony and various performances adorn the programme, which will gradually take on more concrete features. All information will be published here on the website.

This jointly created space during the festival offers you the possibility to discover yourself further in the depth of your being, to perceive yourself more intensively with all that you feel, think, want and are able to do. All in all to bring you closer to the 'Shakti path' of flow. This is the path that enables you to access your hidden energies and powers through conscious and loving action.

Are you ready to ride the tiger? ✨

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Durga's Tiger School is based in Ecuador and offers all year yoga teacher trainings as a 23-day or longer retreat. The focus is on Kaula Tantra Yoga, a traditional yoga rooted in meditation and deep relaxation. We come into an intimate contact with ourselves and find our inner voice again as a guide. Our transformation path uses further techniques from Tantra Yoga art and shamanism. In addition, there is also a Yoga Teacher Certificate (200, 300 and 500 hours,Yoga Alliance).

For some years now, these trainings have also been taking place in Germany - for example from 28. June to 21. July `24 in the spiritual community Aloha am See in Wusterwitz.

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This festival is organised by teachers of the retreat and provides a comprehensive introduction to the spirit of the school.


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The ZEGG (Centre for Experimental Social Design) has been a living community and an educational centre since 1991. On a 16-hectare site surrounded by woodland in Bad Belzig, southwest of Berlin, 120 people live here and create a model for a sustainable world. An ecological lifestyle and individual transformation are just as relevant as the exploration of relationships - with ourselves, in love and partnership and the world. At ZEGG, a more conscious way of living and working together is created, for new ways of living and a more humane world.


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